Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Can Military Force Promote Humanitarian Values?

Abstract Recent years have seen an increase in humanitarian interventions which have involved military operations. However is it feasible that the two operations, military and humanitarian are compatibleThis paper investigates whether this is the case and, to do so, assesses military force in terms of the values which underpin humanitarianism. This paper utilises a case study from the Libyan conflict to assess whether there is a politicised nature in the push for military led humanitarian operations, and examines whether there is a political undertone in the increased usage of military forces. It is argued that this undertone serves to undermine the possibility that military forces can promote humanitarian Introduction For several decades, humanitarian intervention has been a factor in military operations. This paper examines whether military forces can promote the values of humanitarianism during aid operations. To do so this paper will examine a number of elements and seeks to define humanitarianism. In doing so, the question of what role military forces can play is considered. This includes, for example, where military forces are deployed to affected regions or states and the role which they have been asked to conduct. This paper investigates whether the underlying aims of military forces are compatible with that of humanitarianism. This paper argues that they are not and that recent years have seen developments where military action has been wrongly justified on the grounds of humanitarian intervention. What is Humanitarianism? The concept of humanitarian intervention which utilises military force can be classed as a subjective one. Whilst some commentator’s class military led humanitarian interventions as being â€Å"the use of military force to protect foreign populations from mass atrocities or gross human rights abuses† (Waxman, 2013), others such as Marjanovic (2012) define the action as being â€Å"a state using military force against another state when the chief publicly declared aim of that military action is ending human-rights violations being perpetrated by the state against which it is directed†. Yet despite the subjectivity, there is a series of components which can be extracted from these various definitions. These components include: a form of war or conflict, the potential that non-combatants will be negatively affected by this conflict; and where human rights abuses are considered to be taking place In essence, there are a number of factors which should be present when military led humanitarian assistance is being considered. Weiss (2012: 1) argues that there is an underlying notion of a â€Å"responsibility to protect† and that this has a tendency to dominate modern geo-political thinking, but instead it is arguable that the global community can be accused of cherry picking where it seeks to intervene. Weiss had previously argued that any intervention should incorporate aspects of post conflict redevelopment programming (Minear & Weiss, 1995), yet since the perpetuation of military led humanitarian interventions, he has reconsidered his perspective to argue that such actions should now constitute â€Å"activities undertaken to improve the human condition† (Weiss, 2012: 1). This latter inclusion indicates that the shift in conflict dynamics, from one which is largely based on conventional warfare to the usage of non-state actors and combatants in an asymmetric conf lict zone has been a party to Weiss’s new perspective. Where values are considered, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (2013) argue that these incorporate aspects of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. Essentially, therefore, it can be argued that where military forces are deployed to support humanitarian operations that it is essential they act according to these guiding principles. Role of the Military in Humanitarian Interventions Recent years, particularly since the end of the Cold War (Pattison, 2010), have seen military operations to support humanitarian interventions in a number of collapsed or failed states. These include, but are not limited to, Iraq, post-Gulf War One (1991 – 2003), Bosnia – Serbia (1995), Kosovo (1999), East Timor (1999) Somalia (2002), Haiti (2004), and Libya (2011) whilst other humanitarian interventions which have required military assistance can be considered to have taken place in post conflict Iraq and Afghanistan (Pattison, 2010). Weiss (2012) argues that the concept of humanitarian intervention has increased the potential for interventions into states in order to protect non-combatants from conflict. Contrary to this, the earlier reference to cherry picking provides a casing point when the political discourse which took place at the United Nations (UN) Security Council in relation to the ongoing conflict in Syria can be considered to be a case where the window o f opportunity for intervention has now closed, particularly since this conflict has led to the involvement of Islamic State and the Kurdish Peshmerga (Dagher, 2014). Increase in Military led Humanitarian Operations As stated, recent decades, particularly since the end of the Cold War, have seen a rise in the numbers of ethnically charged conflicts and where humanitarian interventions have been considered as necessary (Kaldor, 1998). In a review of this era, Kaldor noted that there had been a change in the dynamics of conflict and that the underpinning issue was of a series of belligerents and combatants which were not constrained by international regulations, such as the Geneva Convention protocols, Laws of Armed Conflict or relevant United Nations Charters (Kaldor, 1998). This changed dynamics has perpetuated and has spread to a number of conflict zones around the world, but has also seen a rise in the usage of conventional forces to support non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Similarly, Christoplos, Longley, and Slaymaker (2004) also noted a changed emphasis in humanitarian aid provision during this era. They argued that the underpinning programmes have been utilised to create a tripartite system of humanitarianism which incorporates rehabilitation (for both state and society), development of state and social infrastructures and relief programmes which provide for maintaining civil society during crisis periods. This particular perspective reinforces a belief that military interventions can help NGOs deliver aid by providing security (Seybolt, 2007). Nevertheless the incorporation of military activity into this mix has also resulted in a further complication since military operations deploy to aid zones with a preposition of maintaining operational security. This includes the potential for combating belligerent forces where such a need exists (Davidson, 2012). Stability Operations Global Humanitarian Assistance (GHA) (2013) argues that the first decade of the twenty first century has seen a near trebling of military support for NGOs in countries which have been affected by war, natural disaster or where the state infrastructure has been affected sufficiently that it is unable to assist with recovery programmes. GHA also note that peacekeeping operations have increased at a similar rate, particular in the years discussed earlier by Kaldor (1998) to the present day. UK military doctrine emphasises that any military activities which has a humanitarian focus should incorporate stability operations (Ministry of Defence, 2011). In clarifying this position, the UK Ministry of Defence added that: â€Å"The peacekeeper fulfils a mandate with the strategic consent of the main warring parties, allowing a degree of freedom to fulfil its task in an impartial manner, while a sustainable peace settlement is pursued.† (Ministry of Defence, 2011: 1.1). Such a perspectiv e indicates that the simple inclusion of additional personnel to assist NGOs is not the primary role of military forces but instead is indicative of a more political role which is intended to shape the political landscape of the affected region or state where assistance is being provided. This aspect does not sit comfortably with the principles of humanitarianism as espoused by NGOs such as the ICRC (2013). This perspective is further enforced when it is noted that the Ministry of Defence cannot rule out military action during humanitarian operations. Doctrinal papers evidence that military operations will also incorporate war fighting components as well as security duties. This was the case in Afghanistan, which was a stabilisation operation during which the UK military â€Å"had the consent of the host nation government but no other warring party (Afghanistan: Taliban 2001 – present) [†¦] A military force may decide in such situations that the defeat of a specific enemy is essential to the success of the operation.† (Ministry of Defence, 2011: 1.1). Essentially, therefore, there is a political perspective which can serve to undermine any arguments of altruism during a humanitarian operation which is supported by military efforts. Should Military led Humanitarian Interventions be justified? The UN backed military operation in Libya during its recent uprising and civil conflict was arguably mandated via humanitarian intervention based upon aid relief and assistance (United Nations, 2011). However it is arguable thatthat this particular intervention was politically motivated since it is evident that the Gaddafi regime had previously irked those states (USA, UK & France) which were at the forefront of the military aspect of intervention (Boulton, 2008). The argument put forward by the trio of states sought to ensure a quick resolution to the conflict and that a perpetuation of the conflict would lead to a humanitarian crisis. Kuperman (2011) notes that Resolution, 1973 allowed for a number of additional practices by military forces. These included, for example, allowing intervening forces to stabilise the Libyan conflict, to assist the undermining of the authority of the Gaddafi regime and to help bring the conflict to a swift conclusion. To achieve this Kuperman (2011) no tes that Libyan state financial and economic assets were frozen, the regime was also subjected to an arms embargo (Kuperman, 2011). It is also to be noted that the USA, France and the UK also operated outside of the mandate provided by the UN by deploying private military contractors to fight alongside insurgents seeking to overthrow the Gaddafi regime (RT News, 2012). That said, the Libyan conflict has not ended and continues to dominate local Libyan politics and society. This outcome serves only to undermine the utilitarian role of humanitarianism. It is fair to suggest that the actions by military forces were more political than humanitarian and served only to perpetuate the US led policy of regime change. This is a factor which Williamson (2011) argues has resulted in military planners utilising military force within humanitarian relief efforts and which has served only to muddy the political and societal dynamics of any affected zone. Williamson’s (2011) argument can be considered in tandem with the British military doctrine which refuses to rule out combat efforts but in relation to the post-Cold War era which has seen non-state combatants realign the battlefield to one which compares directly to a counter insurgency warzone (US Government, 2012). Legal Issues Where the Libyan case study is considered, it is worthwhile noting that, previously, Goodman (2006) had argued that there is a clear contradiction between military interventions into any state using a guise of humanitarian purposes. Goodman (2006) furthers his argument by stating that there is no legal justification for a unilateral humanitarian intervention into another country, and that it is highly unlikely that such a move will ever be likely. The rationale behind this argument is that states then have the potential to militarily intervene in other states using humanitarianism as a justification for regime change or some other ulterior motive. It is to be noted that Goodman bases his arguments upon the dynamics of recent interventions in Kosovo and Iraq as well as the refusal to intervene in the Sudan or in Rwanda (Goodman, 2006). Similarly when attempts were made to intervene militarily under the auspice of humanitarianism in Syria, this was rebuffed by the UN General Assembly s ince it was suggested that those who sought to intervene (again, the USA, UK and France) were doing so out of a political motive which involve a war fighting phase as opposed to relieving suffering on the ground, indeed a part of the proposal was to arm anti Assad militias which were aligned to the al Qaeda franchise (Benotman and Blake, 2013). The outcome of this particular policy has been the evolution of Islamic State. Conclusion In conclusion, the incorporation of a military force to benefit humanitarian operations can serve to benefit the potential for aid relief via the provision of security escorts for NGOs when operating in hostile environments. However with recent decades seeing a vast increase in the preference for military led humanitarian operations, the potential for a conflation between humanitarian principles and the advancing of political aspirations of donor states cannot be denied. This has been the case in Libya where humanitarianism was presented as a causal justification for military interventions which were mostly politically or ideologically led. With the vales of humanitarianism incorporating impartiality and neutrality it is hard to see how military forces can promote humanitarian values, particularly when their presence may result in engaging with potential belligerent forces in order to stabilise a country or region so that NGOs can conduct their own operations successfully. Essentiall y, therefore the aims of military forces (and their political masters) are vastly different from aid agencies, this serve to provide confirmation that military forces cannot promote humanitarian values, purely by virtue of their own activities and nature of their work. Bibliography Benotman, N., and Blake, R. (2013) Jabhat al-Nusra: A Strategic Briefing, London: Quilliam Foundation. Boulton, A. (2008), Memoirs of the Blair Administration: Tony’s Ten Years, London: Simon & Schuster. Christoplos, I., Longley, C. and Slaymaker, T., (2004) The Changing Roles of Agricultural Rehabilitation: Linking Relief, Development and Support to Rural Livelihoods, available at, (accessed on 13/11/14). Dagher, S., (2014) Kurds Fight Islamic State to Claim a Piece of Syria, (online), available at, (accessed on 13/11/14). Davidson, J., (2012) Principles of Modern American Counterinsurgency: Evolution and Debate, Washington DC: Brookings Institute. Global Humanitarian Assistance, (2013) Counting the cost of humanitarian aid delivered through the military, London: Global Humanitarian Assistance. Goodman, R., (2006) Humanitarian Intervention and Pretexts for War, (J), American Journal of International Law, Vol. 100: 107 – 142. International Committee of the Red Cross, (2013) Humanitarian Values and Response to Crisis, (online), available at, (accessed on 13/11/14). Kaldor, M., (1998) New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era, Cambridge: Polity Press. Kuperman, A., (2011) False Pretence for war in Libya, available at on 13/11/14). Marjanovic, M., (2011) Is Humanitarian War the Exception?, (online), available at, (accessed on 13/11/14). Minear, L and Weiss, T.G., (1995) Mercy Under Fire: War and the Global Humanitarian Community, Boulder: Westview Press. Ministry of Defence, (2011) Peacekeeping: An evolving Role for the Military, London: HMSO. Pattison, M., (2010) Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility To Protect: Who Should, Oxford: Oxford University Press. RT News, (2012) Stratfor: Blackwater helps regime Change, (online), available at, (accessed on 13/11/14). Seybolt, T., (2007) Humanitarian Military Intervention: The Conditions for Success and Failure, Oxford: Oxford University Press. United Nations, (2011) Resolution 1973, (online), available at, (accessed on 13/11/14). US Government, (2012) Counter Insurgency, Virginia: Pentagon. Waxman, M., (2013) Is humanitarian military intervention against international law, or are there exceptions?, (online), available at, (accessed on 13/11/14). Weiss, T., (2012) Humanitarian Intervention, Cambridge: Polity Press. Williamson, J., (2011) Using humanitarian aid to ‘win hearts and minds’: a costly failure?, (J), International Committee of the Red Cross, Vol. 93, (884): 1035 – 1062.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Police Suicide

Police suicide is a thing for police that has become way too common. Police as a career is very difficult job that brings along many different stresses. It is a job that comes with a lot of things that you don’t want to think about. You see the problems in society that occur every day that not everyone wants to see, things from suicide to murders to just everyday crimes that people commit. Police officers have more things that they have to deal with than most other professions. It is one of the most stressful jobs to have. Police have a large amount of helplessness. Helplessness stemming from why things are happening and why they cannot control more of what happens. It is very stressful to see things that happen on a daily, makes arrests for it then see the sentences get reduced to almost nothing. When this happens the officer feels as though they are helpless and nothing they do is worth it. Repeat offenders bring this upon them the most seeing them over and over again come back to doing the same type of stuff that got them arrested in the first place. Another thing that may lead to police suicide is just everyday duties of the job that may take a turn for the worse. No person no matter if they are a cop or not does not want to shoot someone or take another one’s life. Taking someone else’s life is terrible and something that can stick with a police officer forever. A memory like that can stick in someone’s mind forever even if the reason they did it was justified it’s still something that is hard to get out of their mind. These reasons along with many others will lead police to believe that taking their life is better than having to deal with the issues that they have in the life from police work. Knowing that they took another life is something that cannot be chocked down very easily. Another terrible thing that they have to see is suicide. Seeing someone else take there life makes them think about doing it themselves.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Servant Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Servant Leadership - Essay Example Moreover, an effective leader needs to be mature internally because inner maturity makes a leader take correct decisions regarding any kind of situation. Worldview and inner maturity also play their roles in the achievement of desired sets of goals and objectives. Without having an understanding of these concepts, it is impossible for a leader to make a successful struggle towards achievement of goals. Inner maturity makes a leader learn from experiences. Effective leaders consider the deficiencies of the previous strategies while making up new plans. Some of the core qualities of a leader who has the powers of inner maturity and emotional intelligence include creativity, integrity, dedication, openness, listening to the concerns of others, intelligence, visionary outlook, and good communication skills. A leaders’ moral foundation reflects the positive aspects of his or her personality to other people. Inner maturity makes a person serve other people by listening to their conc erns. Inner maturity and personal worldview are two of the main qualities of a servant leader. A servant leader is a person who can see the bigger picture of the issues by considering all positive and negative aspects of the issues, social constructs, and moral perceptions. â€Å"Worldview denotes the complex of beliefs, concepts, sense of order and social constructs, role-models and moral precepts which are unique and peculiar in comparison to other such complexes of other such socio-cultural groupings† (Jenkins, 2006). Inner maturity, on the other hand, makes a leader lead people in every field of life by setting his or her own example. There are some key components, which need to be the part of the qualities of an effective leader with high levels of inner maturity and personal worldview. Those components include motivation to help people, ability to give individual consideration, idealized influence, and intellectual stimulation. Inner maturity helps a person develop the qualities of trust, belief, and reliance. Therefore, inner maturity and worldview helps a leader achieve the goals successfully because they provide a source of inspiration for the followers of the leader. 2 Before going to identify and explain two philosophical worldviews and one religious worldview that can support servant leadership, let us get a better understanding what servant leadership actually is. Mallory (n.d.) states, â€Å"Servant leadership is a business philosophy in which managers and other people in positions of authority strive to act as servants to those who are subordinate to them†. Servant leadership is such style of leadership, which makes the subordinates feel valued when the leaders consider their needs and concerns while setting up their strategies. â€Å"This style of leadership often involves trying to meet the needs of the employees or members of a manager’s organization† (Mallory, n.d.). Some key aspects of servant leadership include dedication, taking care of individual concerns, addressing and analyzing crisis, giving priority to individual benefits, life-long learning ability, and showing enthusiasm towards goal achievement. McCrimmon (n.d.) states, â€Å"Servant leadership also has paternalistic overtones as it suggests doing things for employees rather than helping them to think for themselves†. Servant leaders are the sources of inspiration for their people and the people look towards them for guidance. They work for employees’

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Same Sex Couples Raising Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Same Sex Couples Raising Children - Essay Example As the essay highlights the issues related to same-sex couple are included in the most controversial and current concerns in the society in the past few years.   From the issues of acceptance of the same-sex couples to the laws related to marriage, every subject matter had been greatly discussed and sensationalized.   To be able to achieve a certain level of awareness on the different dynamics in the social context, the paper is aimed to present the views of various forms of media on one of the important issues related to same-sex relationships, which is the manner they raise children and the processes related in terms of legal, social, ethical and cultural aspects.This research declares that the issues related to same-sex couples are included in the main concerns in the society.   Raising children for same-sex couples is the main focus of the study because one phase considered by these couples in establishing a family is having children and eventually raising and supporting th em.  There are different aspects of the issue on raising children by same-sex couples.   One of the important aspects is adoption of the child for the same-sex couples specifically the gay couples.   Different countries implement different laws regarding the process.   In 2000, the states of Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi and Utah prohibited adoption of children to gay parents.   On the other hand, countries in Europe such as Denmark, Norway and Iceland had been legally open to adoption of children to same-sex couples.

Using a country of your choice as an example demonstrate how the Essay

Using a country of your choice as an example demonstrate how the government seeks to compensate for market failures.(Japan) - Essay Example Externality effects would gradually become global as globally integrated markets develop. As externalities become huge they pose challenge to achieving macroeconomic stability which in turn challenges the international political architecture. ‘Efficient’ allocation of resources according to economists implies that all possible mutually beneficial trades have been exhausted (Holtom, 2011). This means that proper coordination between willing buyers and sellers has been accomplished. The nature and extent of market failure determines the role that government would play and whether government intervention is at all necessary. Markets rarely correspond to the ideals of a perfectly competitive market as defined by the economic theory (Rama and Harvey). These imperfectly competitive markets may have efficiently allocated resources to derive the best value. Certain conditions termed as ‘market failures’ render government intervention necessary. While failure to syst ematically allocate resources is evidence of inefficient allocation of resources but this is not sufficient reason to justify government intervention. Government intervention in markets can be costly and the benefits must far outweigh the costs if government were to intervene. However, some governments believe that the role of government is benevolent during such externalities (Dolfsma, 2011). In fact institutional economics believe that market cannot function unless they are embedded in a broader set of interrelated institutions. However, government interventions can reduce efficiency through unintended consequences such as distortionary taxes, special interests or maybe just simple errors of judgment (Holtom, 2011). All market failures do not warrant policy action and hence the cost-benefit analysis is essential. A market-oriented economy may produce income inequalities. A person may produce some very efficient product which benefits the society but there is no gain for the poorer people of the society. Moreover it is not possible to exclude non-payers from utilizing a ‘public good’. However, market failures occur when an inefficiently high or low amount of good in question is produced and is directed to markets where they do not receive the desired value (Holtom, 2011). This reduces in value the perfect market conditions. This can be applied to the entertainment and the theme park industry in Japan. Japan is known for the largest global growth for theme parks and the amusement industry. Tokyo Disneyland (TDL) demonstrated solid performance and made a substantial impact on the host economy (Kawamura and Hara, 2010). Being part of the tourism industry they brought in extensive cash flow from the non-resident tourist. However, the rush of theme parks in Japan overlapped with the bubble economy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Local governments in Japan suffered as an effect of deindustrialization following the bubble economy. Market failures in the theme park industry led to government intervention in several ways but these were found to be counter productive. To revitalize the local economy the development of theme parks was considered essential. Resources were inefficiently allocated to make the theme parks sustainable and help the local economies. Abundance of construction loans were given for theme parks. In addition, the central governments paid subsidies to the local governments and the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

IT industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

IT industry - Essay Example This not only benefits the environment on whole but also decreases operational expenses resulting in higher profits for the organizations. In addition, by redesigning equipments and replacing green information technology enables organizations improve its operational efficiency on numerous stages and levels. Furthermore, as policy making agencies are passing environmental and energy related regulations and policies, companies by adopting green information technology (IT) can be well-prepared for upcoming policies and guidelines. There are several options available for the organizations to improve their energy efficiency. Companies can choose from the various available options depending on the budget they have. The least costly program is energy monitoring program which enables them to gather data and monitor their usage of energy. This program helps organizations develop their own energy management plan that assist them save energy. One of the least expensive energy monitoring program s includes demand response program which acts as a communicator between the person providing the energy and the person consuming the energy. These effective programs provide organizations a potential profit stream at the times of energy demands, due to its energy reduction facility. Majority demand response programs (DRP) offer after sale services, meters and monitoring services free of cost. This allows organizations to successfully reduce and manage extensive usage of energy. However, there are few program providers who charge penalty bill in case the organizations are unable to meet the required goal of load shed. With the passage of time IT equipments are getting more and more automated and require less space to operate. Hence in order to automate their operations, large companies can invest in such equipments that entail less space to set their footprints. Such changes can do well to companies that are looking forward to a fast return on investment (ROI) for the company. Unlike the traditional methods of operation, automated equipments can provide significant benefits in terms of space and reduced heat loss as these equipments enable companies to confined refrigerated or cooling area. Moreover it can also help in less wastage of material and proficient packaging of such equipments. Other major benefits the companies will avail after switching to automation are improved and efficient production with in the same or lower cost. This means the company will be able to produce more as compared to its pre-automation period. (Rebecca Tucker, 2011) Automated IT equipments have helped in improvising efficiency and sustainability in companies that are finding ways for taking an initiative to make improvements in reduced energy consumption which was not possible in their pre-automation period. This paper will discuss the benefits of Green information technology (IT) and how it is beneficial for both the organization and the society. Moreover, one common problem i.e. its high installation and maintenance cost faced by the majority will also be discussed in detail. As we all know for all kinds of operations businesses are dependent on some or the other kind of information or communication technology. Information technol

Friday, July 26, 2019

Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 56

Nursing research - Essay Example In this regard, this process of dissemination will include submission of an abstract to the members of the audience three days prior to the presentation in order to give them an opportunity to scrutinize the contents of the presentation before the actual presentation. In effect, providing the audience with an overview of the presentation will be effective in providing them with an opportunity to ask questions following the presentation. My workplace setting relies on the process of a combination of publications and posters to disseminate a solution. I find these two processes ineffective since they fail to provide the target audience with an opportunity to scrutinize the solution and ask questions regarding the solution’s effectiveness in the workplace. On the other hand, it is evident that these two processes are not interpersonal in nature. In this regard, the two processes only inform an individual about a solution without providing the individual with the opportunity to scrutinize the solution, which makes the two processes

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Anti-war comparing essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anti-war comparing - Essay Example â€Å"In the novels Vonnegut published leading up to Slaughterhouse Five, which also included such works as Mother Night, Cats Cradle and God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, themes emerged that would find their full flowering with Slaughterhouse Five.† (Boomhower). It is important to understand that Vonnegut’s most famous work has been Slaughterhouse Five is which fictionally recreates his experience in Dresden. â€Å"Even though Slaughterhouse Five was Vonnegut’s only novel to re-create his experience in Dresden, a strong anti-war theme can be found in his earlier literature as well. A fine example of one of his works that fits this description is Mother Night.† (Kurt Vonneguts Mother Night). The theme of war and the expressed dislike for it can be evidently found in both the novels. However, it is obvious that the anti-war concern of the novelist becomes more focused and complete in the Slaughterhouse-Five which is the result of more improved thought than Moth er Night. It is through the working of the paradoxical concepts of war and love that the novelist expresses his preference for anti-war concerns in Slaughterhouse-Five. The foremost theme of the novel is war and its contrast with love, beauty, humanity, innocence etc and the novelist expresses his love for anti-war concerns. â€Å"Slaughterhouse-Five, like Vonneguts previous books, manages to tell us that war is bad for us and that it would be better for us to love one another. To find the war’s contrast with love is quite difficult†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Vit). The concern for anti-war has been evident in Mother Night though not completely rounded as in this novel. Slaughterhouse-Five is a novel clearly suggesting the author’s interest in anti-war campaigns and the autobiographical nature, the characterization, and the themes and structure of the novel confirms this claim. â€Å"Kurt Vonnegut was inspired by war to write Slaughterhouse-Five, which is a unique book referred to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Interpretation of Spss Outcomes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Interpretation of Spss Outcomes - Essay Example tions are mainly normal distributed: Normal Skewness shows that the participants’ distribution on the social influence questions were evenly distributed indicating a values fairly resembling the mean. This shows that the participants were equally statistically significant in determining the outcome. Performance expectancy questions are mainly left skewed: Left Skewness shows that the participants’ distribution on the performance expectancy questions was negative indicating a value lower than the mean. This shows that the participants were not statistically significant in determining the outcome. Effort expectancy questions are mainly left skewed: Left Skewness shows that the participants’ distribution on the intention questions was negative indicating a value lower than the mean. This shows that the participants were not statistically significant in determining the outcome. However, while some responses showed right and normal skewness, left skewness appeared more frequently. Facilitating questions are mainly left skewed, with a slight tendency to normal distribution for the last facilitating chart. Left skewness indicates that the participants’ distribution on the intention questions was mainly negative indicating a value lower than the mean. However, a slight tendency to the normal distribution shows that participants were fairly statistically significant. Perceived security risk answers are mainly normal distributed: Normal Skewed questions show that the participants’ distribution on the intention questions normal with almost even distribution and indicates a value closely tied to the mean. This shows that the participants were not statistically significant in determining the outcome. Perceived trust answers are mainly normal distributed, with a slight tendency to left skewness for the first chart: Considering the first chart, it is observed that the perceived question distribution is left skewed indicating that participants with opposing opinions

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Investigate a social or business issue using statistical techniques Assignment

Investigate a social or business issue using statistical techniques (including Excel graphs), analysis and interpretation - Assignment Example ..9 Appendix †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.10 STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION, PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION Abstract This report discusses practical application of statistical techniques. Using secondary data, the paper investigates contents of cigarette brands with the aim of investigating product differentiation. The analysis uses both descriptive and inferential statistics to investigate product differentiation. Introduction Product differentiation is one of the emerging marketing strategies among competing business enterprises. It refers to the production of a unique commodity in the market. The underlying factor in product differentiation is that consumers must be able to distinguish the product from others in the market. The distinction may be with respect to either quality, features or even price. As a market strategy, differentiation has been used to develop brand imaging in products from organizations. Bragg explains that product differentiation is a strong marketing tool that allows firms to capture and control their customers. This is because once consumers have been attracted into a differentiated product or service they become attached to it. This in turn allows sellers to manipulate their markets for profit maximization. The underlying principle is that increasing prices of highly differentiated products does not have significant effects on the demand for such products, a feature that allows sellers to use product differentiation as a tool to market capture and profit maximization (Bragg, 2011, p. 26). Similarly, a firm can differentiate its products as a strategy for remaining competitive among other firms in the industry. Consumers’ dynamic tastes and preference may negatively shift the demand for a particular product and differentiation theref ore allows organizations to develop products that will continually meet their customer’s needs. This helps firms to retain their market control and effectively manage their profit margins. A company that frequently introduces differentiated products in the market also increases its sales because consumers will always be interested in testing the new brands (Bragg, 2011, p. 26). Increasing competition in markets and the need to penetrate into the markets and maximize profits could however lead to virtual differentiation of products with the aim of taking advantage of consumers’ ignorance. Firms may for example claim that their products are unique in content mix and hence quality while such distinctions may not be real. Built loyalty and trust between organizations and their customers together with euphoria may then leads to perception and conviction over existence of differentiation that might not exist or might not be significant. A more practical approach through stat istical analysis can however be employed in order to evaluate existence of differentiation as may be claimed by manufactures. Statistical tools can for instance be used to compare contents

Monday, July 22, 2019

Different Parenting Practices Essay Example for Free

Different Parenting Practices Essay The right parenting style will create healthy, loving children. Parenting involves teaching children how to respect their elders, be obedient, have discipline, as well as provides support and love for your child. There are four identified types of different parenting styles. Which are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. The type of style that you choose will determine whether your child will be healthy, as well as, whether a loving relationship develops between you and your child. In this paper, I will discuss the types of parenting styles and the best one to foster healthy children. An authoritarian parent lays down the rules and expects them to be followed without any discussion. These parents are very strict. They don’t allow the child to make choices and they consider what they desire without much consideration of the child’s wishes. Their rules are ridged and inflexible. Children raised by this type of parenting style may become very sheltered with unable to voice their opinions. They may have difficulty with emotional expression, unable to make good decisions which could lead to unhealthy relationships. For example, a child raised by an authoritarian parent, comes home from school and knows that they have to put their backpack in a certain place and what chores must be done. The rules are in place, as well as the expectations for his performance. These children know that there will be consequences if they do not follow these rules. An authoritative parent explains the rules and encourages discussion. This type of parenting style combines the b est qualities of the authoritarian and permissive parenting style. These parents spend time with his/her child and explain why certain behavior is wrong and the appropriate behavior prior to administering any type of punishment. They are more reasonable and less demanding of their own way and they consider the wishes of their children. They are patient and trust their children. They promote decision making in the child and oversee their decisions. Children who experience this type of parenting style are typically well balanced, have values and a sense of right and wrong. For example, if a child was to break curfew, the authoritative parent would discuss the potential harms of staying out and then discipline the child. They would most likely involve the child in the type of punishment they would receive. The permissive parent punishes infrequently. These parents are a direct contrast to the authoritarian parent. These parents have very few rules and are extremely flexible. Rules for these parents are not a primary focus. They tend to be more of a friend to their child than a parent. These parents often foster children who do what they want, when they want without thinking about the consequences. They have excessive freedom with very little limitations. These parents focus on pleasing their child regardless of their behaviors. These children are in control of the parents and the household. For example, a child of a permissive parent is not required to place their items in a certain place and rarely receive any consequences for not performing chores or making messes. An uninvolved parent only provides for the basis physical and emotional need and nothing else. Uninvolved describes these parents. They are not involved with their children and they do not discipline them. These parents often neglect their children. Children with these types of parents typically have poor social skills and behavioral choices. There appears to be a correlation between the lack of support they receive at home and their poor social and behavioral skills. For example, a child will seek their parent’s attention and may create problems at home and in school to get that attention. Despite the problems, their parents still ignore them and are not emotionally available. I believe that the authoritative parents have the most effective parenting style. Primarily because it allows time for discussion between the parents and their children. In my opinion, all children need discipline. However they benefit most from explanations of what they did wrong and redirection to assist them to make better choices. Authoritative parents listen to their children and encourage independence. It appears that this type of parenting style leads to successful children. In my opinion, one of the most important aspects of parenting would be the art of compromise which leads to healthy lives for children.

3-Year Marketing Plan Essay Example for Free

3-Year Marketing Plan Essay Introduction Company G is a very well-known company in the electronics industry and is highly regarded by consumers for their high quality products and this new product line that is being introduced by Company G continues the excellence of quality for which they are known. The â€Å"Tub-Scrubbie† is an innovative new product that is a first in a new line of electronic home care products that is being introduced by Company G. The Tub-Scrubbie is an automatic bathtub scrubber that is designed to allow people the freedom to spend more time doing what’s important to them instead of working on household chores. Mission Statement â€Å"We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing innovative electronics solutions.† The Product The Tub-Scrubbie is an automatic bathtub scrubber that is completely self-contained and rechargeable. This product is designed to scrub the bathtub for those that are physically unable to do so themselves and for people whose lives are very busy and would rather be spending quality time with their family than spending extra time doing household chores. The Tub-Scrubbie is quick to set up and very simple to use. There are no complicated instructions, no small parts to lose or parts that easily break. The unit contains a cleanser and water reservoir that is easy to fill and holds 16 oz. of liquid which is enough for one use, an automatic timer which switches the unit off when the time has expired, replaceable bristle brushes that can be used on all surfaces and a metal tube frame set. To use, the metal tube frame is attached to the bathtub using spring tension rods, the  scrubber is filled with the no rinse cleaning solution and water mixture, the scrub unit is attached to the frame, turn on the unit and set the timer and let it go. The scrubber unit will spray the cleaning solution in 15 second intervals as it scrubs the tub. It will move along the metal frame and move up and down on the drop post to scrub the walls of the tub. Once it has completed two revolutions around the frame, the scrubber will detach from the drop tube and scrub the bottom of the tub until the timer shuts the unit off. Rinsing the tub is not required, the cleaning solution is designed to be â€Å"no rinse† and is non-toxic and will not damage surfaces with regular use. Consumer Product Classification After in-depth research, we have determined that the Tub-Scrubbie would be classified as a shopping item. Even though this item has several characteristics of being a convenience item, such as being low in price and being available in multiple sales outlets, and the purchase frequency is infrequent as a specialty item, it maintains the shopping item profile. The consumer factors that direct this product to the shopping item classification are a considerable planning time involved in making the purchase, the importance of a convenient location, the considerable comparison of price and quality. The marketing mix factors include a relatively short distribution channel, the sellers’ image is very important for the reliability and durability of the item and that this item can be sold and promoted by the producer and the seller of the item. Target Market The target market for the Tub-Scrubbie actually covers two different demographic groups. The first group type to target will be the elderly from the age of 55 and over and disabled people of any age that are living alone. The second group type to target for marketing are the people that are too busy to spend time doing household chores such as scrubbing the bathtub, this group will consist of parents with children that are enrolled in multiple after school activities and the overworked business professional. The elderly/disabled group will be in a very low income bracket, and may or may not have been educated, they will most likely be living on a pension,  retirement or collecting a monthly check from social security, their annual income will average $10,000 $25,000. This group will most likely be living alone in an apartment or single family home in the low income section of town that is situated close to strip mall type of shopping center, which may or may not have a major anchor store. The business professional group will be in the medium income bracket; this group will be highly educated, holding either a Bachelors or Master’s degree. They will be working hard and very long hours so that they can remain in their income bracket range. Their average income will be between $40,000 and $60,000, enough to cover their living expenses and small extravagances, but not enough that they can hire someone to do their housekeeping regularly. This group will be living in an apartment community or in a condominium that is located close to an upscale shopping center or mall. Competitive Situation Analysis Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model The following is an overview of factors that may have an impact on the introduction and future sales of the Tub-Scrubbie. In the cleaning product market, consumers are always looking for a new and innovative way to take the work out of their daily house cleaning chores. Competitive Rivalry At this time there would be no direct competition for the Tub-Scrubbie. As the sales of this item rise, competitors will start to develop their version of this product, if we patent our item that will reduce exact replicas. With the introduction of the Tub-Scrubbie, the main competition would be the companies that produce the well-known tub and bathroom cleaners such as Clorox Co, Proctor Gamble and S.C. Johnson Son, Inc. Each of these companies holds at least 50% or more of the market share of the different cleaning products that customers have been using for years. Threat from New Entrants The home cleaning product market is extremely large and the competition is very high among the leaders of the industry, this makes entering this market very difficult. Due to the cost involved with entering the cleaning product  market, the threat from new entrants is relatively low. The internet can be used to monitor any new competition that may try to break into the market with similar products to ours. Threat from Buyers With the cleaning product market being as large as it is, the threat from individual consumers would be relatively low; they would have no effect on price or placement of the item. The threat from buyers would be greater, big box stores such as Wal-Mart and Target would be able to refuse to purchase the item unless they received a discount per number of units ordered, they would also have control of where the product would be placed in their stores. Internet sales would not be considered a threat from buyers; this would be set up as direct sales to consumers. Threat from Suppliers Since we would be producing the main product in our own factories, there is no threat from a manufacturing standpoint. We would partner with Clorox Inc to provide the cleaning solution for the Tub-Scrubbie. Since Clorox is a very large producer, the threat from this supplier would be very low. The only threat from supplies that we would face would be from the suppliers of the raw materials that we would use to create our products. The internet could be used to watch for disruption to the raw material chain. Threat from Substitutes In the beginning there will be very little threat from substitutes, at this time there is no product on the market that will directly compete with this item. After this item is introduced, other companies such as P G, 3M and Clorox will flood the market of their version of the Tub-Scrubbie, which will then introduce direct competition for our item. Most of the substitute products for the Tub-Scrubbie do not offer the convenience of the â€Å"automatic cleaning† feature of our product, there is only one product at this time that offers this feature which is the â€Å"Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner†. This product is designed to clean shower stalls, not bathtubs and therefore should not pose to be direct competition. The only alternatives that are available to our product would be the â€Å"old fashioned† way by using a scrub brush or sponge and liquid or powdered bathtub cleanser and water. The internet could be utilized to monitor similar products bei ng offered  worldwide. SWOT Analysis In this section, we have highlighted Company G’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the production and sales of the Tub-Scrubbie line of products. STRENGTHS *indicates core competency Well-known brand name Innovative products Outstanding product support WEAKNESSES New to cleaning product market Introducing a new concept in cleaning Dependent on partner companys cleaning product OPPORTUNITIES Online marketing Expanding into new market Partner with industry leader of cleaning products THREATS Replication by competitors Cleaning products already on the market Consumers unwilling to try a new product Strengths The first of our strengths which is also a core competency is that we have a very well-known brand name in the electronics market. We have a name that consumers know and trust for quality products and excellent customer service; consumers would be more likely to purchase our product. Our second strength, also one of our core competencies is that our company is known for its innovative new products. We have spearheaded many different markets with new products that consumers have not ever seen before and have done very well in sales with these products, capturing at least 10% of the market. Our third strength is our outstanding product support. We offer the most extensive and longest warranties on our products, combined with a money back guarantee if not satisfied. We also have an excellent customer service department that receives customer feedback and requests by email, phone or  instant chat and concentrates on resolving customer issues within 48 hours. Weaknesses The first weakness is that Company G is a new entrant to the cleaning product market. We will have many competitors that have been selling quality products in hundreds of different outlets for many years. Our next weakness is that we are introducing a new, modern concept in cleaning to an older market that is mainly reluctant to change. Many of the consumers in our target market are older people that are afraid of technology or just may feel that its just not clean if they dont scrub it themselves. Our third weakness would be Company Gs dependency on our partner company, Cloroxs’ name to sell our product. Since the Tub-Scrubbie will be sold with cleaning fluids provided by the Clorox Company, we are depending on their reputation and popularity in the industry to help sell our product, if their product doesnt sell, then ours wont either. Opportunities One of our first opportunities with this product is to expand on our internet sales opportunities. All of our products can be found online on hundreds of websites as well as direct sales, by offering this product online we can expand into new internet outlets that have not previously carried our electronics. Another opportunity that this product will give us is the advantage of expanding our company into an entirely new market. This will be Company Gs first venture into the cleaning product market which will give us the opportunity to introduce future cleaning products and expanding our sales into new territories. Our third opportunity is that we are going to partner with Clorox, which is one of the leaders in the cleaning industry. Their name is seminomas with clean and germ free and by partnering with Clorox, it will only boost initial sales as well as residual sales of the refill cleaning fluids. Threats One threat would be replication of our product by competitors. Once our Tub-Scubbie is introduced, there is a possibility of the market being flooded with similar products. Even though their design will be different, the concept will be the same, this will ultimately bring down our sales. Another threat would be the wide variety of cleaning products that are  already available on the market. Consumers are creatures of habit and have their favorite products that they buy repeatedly and they refuse to change, if they dont use Clorox products, they are not likely to purchase our product. A third threat is that many consumers are unwilling to try a new product that will change the method they use to clean their bathtub. Many people do not like change and are unwilling to buy something new, they may feel it wont clean as well as it should or that its just another electronic device that will break after a few months. Market Objectives Product Objective The main objective for the Tub-Scrubbie is to offer a quality product that is simple and ready to use, uses very little energy, is rechargeable and is covered by our 60 day money back guarantee and 1 year warranty. Price Objective The Tub-Scrubbie will be available at an introductory price of $29.99 and after 6 months the regular price will be $34.99. There will also be color varieties available at $39.99 and an upgraded model bundled with cleansers will be introduced after one year for $54.99. Place Objective The objective for placement of the Tub-Scrubbie will be to introduce the product in a partnership with the Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club Corporations by Dec of 2013 and by Feb 2014, the Tub-Scrubbie will be available in most retail outlets. Promotion Objective The objective for promotion of the Tub-Scrubbie is to gradually introduce our product to the public through television and radio advertisements, newspapers and holiday circulars and free standing store displays by the end of January 2014. Marketing Strategies In order to make this product successful in the market place, we must ensure that the consumers receive the superior quality products that they have come to expect from Company G. This entails providing our customers a long lasting product that is energy efficient, available in a variety of colors at an affordable cost. We have created a three stage marketing strategy for  the Tub-Scrubbie by first placing the item in one of the largest retailers during the holiday shopping season, setting a pricing plan that will fit into the budget of most of our consumers and by offering price reduction in lower income areas. Product Strategies The Tub-Scrubbie will be sold with rechargeable batteries and AC adapter. The Tub-Scrubbie will be covered by our standard 60 day money back guarantee and 1 year warranty. The Tub-Scrubbie will be fully assembled and ready to use out of the box. Price Strategies The Tub-Scrubbie will have an introductory price of $29.99, after 6 months the price will increase to $34.99. The Tub-Scrubbie will be offered in a variety of colors for $39.99. The Tub-Scrubbie will be offered in a bundle with a larger cleanser reservoir and 2 bottles of cleanser in their choice of color for $54.99. Place Strategies The Tub-Scrubbie will be launched in December of 2013 in all Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club stores. In January 2014, the Tub-Scrubbie will be released at all other major retailers such as Target, Raley’s, Bel Air and Nob Hill markets. By February 2014 the Tub-Scrubbie will be available at all smaller retailers and at online stores. Promotion Strategies In November of 2013, the Tub-Scrubbie will start to be featured in television and radio commercials sponsored by Wal-Mart. In December of 2013, the Tub-Scrubbie will be featured in holiday circulars and newspaper ads. In January of 2014, in stored displays will be set up at most retail outlets and $5.00 of coupons will be circulated as a â€Å"New Year cleanup special.† Tactics and Action Plan Shown below are the plans that have been put into place to carry out the objectives stated above. Each manager indicated will be responsible for completing the task by its due date. Product Action Plan Tactic Due Date Responsible Party Ensure that all packaging includes rechargeable batteries and AC cord Daily – As items are manufactured and packaged. Manufacturing Supervisor A copy of our guaranteed return policy and warranty are included with each unit. Daily – As items are manufactured and packaged. Manufacturing Supervisor Each unit is fully assembled and ready to operate out of the package. Daily – As items are manufactured and packaged. Quality Assurance Manager Price Action Plan Tactic Due Date Responsible Party Ensure that the packaging reflects the introductory price of $29.99 Daily through the first 6 months of production. Manufacturing Manager and Promotions Manager Ensure that the packaging with the color varieties indicate the correct color and the price of $39.99 Daily – As the items are manufactured and packaged. Manufacturing Manager Ensure that the packaging for the bundled enhanced product and cleaning fluids indicate the color of the unit as well as the price of $54.99 Daily – As the items are manufactured and packaged. Manufacturing Manager Place Action Plan Tactic Due Date Responsible Party Ensure that shipments have been received by all Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club distribution centers. November 1, 2013 Distribution Manager Ensure that shipments have been received by remaining large chain retailers. December 1, 2013 Distribution Manager Ensure that shipments have been received by all remaining retailers. January 15, 2013 Distribution Manager Promotion Action Plan Tactic Due Date Responsible Party Ensure that television and radio spots are ready to be aired. October 31, 2013 Promotion Manager Create and submit ads for circulars and newspapers. November 15, 2013 Promotion Manager Order POS merchandisers and distribute to retail outlets. November 30, 2013 Promotion Manager Monitoring Procedures In order to ensure that our marketing plan is achieving Company Gs desired goals, we must put into place and regularly review monitoring procedures. We will be using the following procedures from the first day that the product is introduced through the first 5 years of sales. Monitoring Activity Due Date/Frequency Responsible Party Overall Sales Volume Quarterly Distribution Manager Effectiveness of Advertisements End of each month Promotion Manager Accumulated Expenses Quarterly Accounting Manager Customer Satisfaction End of each month Customer Service Manager

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Motivation Behind Corporate Acquisitions And Mergers Finance Essay

The Motivation Behind Corporate Acquisitions And Mergers Finance Essay Research that considers the motivation for corporate acquisitions takes essentially two forms. There are studies that concentrate on providing a theoretical analysis based on economic and behavioral theories and those which subject the theories to empirical tests. Friedrich Trautwein (1990) provides a critical review of the predominant theories of merger motives and merger prescriptions. the theories of merger can be categorized into seven groups : efficiency theory, monopoly theory, valuation theory, empire-building theory, process theory, raider theory and disturbance theory. 7 Motivations for MA: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ £ Monopoly Theory: Gaining market power. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ £ Efficiency Theory: Operating synergies, financial synergies and Management synergies. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ £ Valuation Theory: Bidder managers have better information about the targets financial performance than the stock market. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ £ Empire Building Theory: Planned and executed by managers who Maximize their own utility instead of their shareholders value. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ £ Process Theory: Mangers have only limited information and base Decisions on imperfect information. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ £ Raider Theory: Managers creating wealth transfers from the stockholders of the companies they bid for. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ £ Disturbance Theory: Merger waves are caused by economic disturbances. Why Are There So Many Mergers and Acquisitions? The most important motivation engaging in an MA is to assure the existence or the continuity of the firms activity. If all the major competitors become bigger through the MA transactions, then a firm may take on in an acquisition to ensure competitive parity. Profits left for a firm after investing in all current positive net present value opportunities is the firms free cash flow. The free cash flow can amount to billions of dollars. For example, Microsoft is reported to have had a free cash flow of $45 billion in 2004! Dominant firms in mature businesses often find themselves in such situations. For firms with free cash flow the obvious decision should be to invest the money in MA activity because such transactions may at least generate competitive parity. Today many businesses recognize the uncompromising demand to seek merger and acquisition transaction, to seek growth and profits. In the strategy literature acquisitions are explained by two main classes of theories: first is the value-maximizing theories and secondly is the managerial theories (Seth1990a). Merger and acquisition literature suggests that managers do have various motives for mergers (Trautwein, 1990). Managers may have personal goals and ambition that differ from the strategy and the need of the firm. At times the managers shareholder conflict arise during the mergers and acquisition transactions. These motivations originate from the ambition to get rich and securing their position hence reducing the risk of the firms bankruptcy. Managers may be motivated to engage in MAs even when such operations do not benefit the entity because acquisition is the fastest and the easiest way to expand the scope of their control. In the context of MA activity, this means that managers may engage in an MA even when there is zero economic value for bidding firms. The argument made by managers here is that they can perform better than the managers of the target firm. Examining the phenomenon of mergers and acquisitions what is the driving force behind it? Mergers and acquisitions is reaching record braking levels, The 1980s and 1990s were characterized by a rash of mergers and acquisitions (MA) with both domestic and foreign partners. The wave of mergers during recent years has drawn widespread attention because The fact that some firms create positive economic value in MA activity spurred some firms to pursue such transactions. In the 1990s we saw a number of mega-mergers between multinationals-for example, DaimlerChrysler and Exxon-Mobil- CitiCorp and Travelers Group, MCI and WorldCom, Hewlett-Packard and Compaq which changed the entire competitive environment of their respective global markets. These high-profile corporate  mergers  become an great example for any corporation considering a potential acquisition. The 1990s also saw the rise of privatization of enterprise in many emerging markets, creating growth opportunities to gain access to previously closed markets of enormous potential. Looking into the mergers and acquisition literature, merger motives do not play a significant role; MA give out more merger consequences than theoretical effort (Trautwein, 1990). In fact, taking into consideration the work of Allen et al (2002) that was based in Trautwein (1990) findings and assumptions, most observers agree that mergers are motivated by a complex pattern of motives and that no single motive or method can provide a full explanation (e.g. Steiner, 1975; Ravenscraft and Scherer, 1987). Such motives include increasing profitability, the pursuit of market power, and marketing economies of scale, cost reductions and creation of barriers to entry. What is the true motivation for cross-border mergers and acquisitions? The eloquent answer is the traditional one: building shareholder value! Corporations frequently seek growth in search of new markets, resources, productive advantages, profit, investment opportunities and elements of competition through the acquisition of other companies. Corporations undertake mergers and acquisitions transaction for a variety of reasons. The drivers are strategic responses by firms to defend and enhance their global Competitiveness by: à ¢-  Gaining access to strategic proprietary assets à ¢-  Gaining market power and dominance à ¢-  Achieving synergies in local/global operations and across different industries à ¢-  becoming larger, and then reaping the benefits of size in competition and negotiation à ¢-  Diversifying and spreading their risks wider à ¢-  Exploiting financial opportunities they may possess and others desire We can summarize that the Motives behind mergers and acquisition activity by listing Some motives: To create a number of new business opportunities (Healy et al. 1990, 23) and entry new Markets (Black, Carnes and Jandik 2001,5) To reduce earnings volatility (Healy et al. 1990, 23; Black, Carnes and Jandik 2001,5) Technical Efficiency (Chaaban, Rà ©quillart and Trà ©visiol 2005) and economies of scale employment risk i.e., risk of losing job, professional Reputation, etc. Managersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸ personal wealth is linked more to firm size and risk ofBankruptcy than to firm performance (Amihud and Lev 1981). The merger offers anopportunity to improve oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s social identity as well (Terry, Callan and Sartori 1996) Value maximization (Halpern 1983, 314) is specially a shareholderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s goal (Bethel and Liebeskind 1993, 29) Use of control position (Halpern 1983, 314) Synergy (Halpern 1983, 314; Chatterjee 1992) Monopoly (Halpern 1983, 314) Corporate restructuring is needed industry wide (Hatfield, Porter Liebeskind, Opler 1996; Markides 2006; Chatterjee 1992) cost reduction (Dranove and Shanley 1994) -managerial vs. shareholder interests (Taffler, Holl 2006; Holl and Kyriazis 1997; Mahoney and Mahoney 1991; Mahoney and Mahoney 2006; Firth 1991). Motives for takeovers tend to reflect managerial rather than shareholder interests in abandoned mergers (Taffler and Holl 1991). Amit, Livnat and Zarowin (1989) have investigated owner-manager conflict of interest. Reputation enhancement (Dranove and Shanley 1994): local systems do not appear to have lower cost but do appear to enjoy reputation benefits Innovation performance (Ahuja and Katila 2001) Resource redeployment (Capron, Dussauge and Mitchell 1998) Power, achievement, sensation seeking and prestige (Lausberg and Stahl 2006)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Four Powerful Women in Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Essay

One of the most important attributes seldom attributed to women is the innate ability to keep the family as a cohesive whole. Women are the rock in the midst of familial turmoil, the solid foundation on which a husband or head of a household can stand firm. Fully assured that womanhood will stand back of the ranks and take care of domestic needs. Women have qualities that keep the family strong, these unique attributes can divided into several standards. One being the physical aspect of â€Å"mother† nature, two virginity representing the religious type of the standard, three is the young bitch who represent the physical state while four is the old bitch who also has a spiritual side of the woman standard. In the Grapes of Wrath by J. Steinbeck these four standards are possessed by the characters which take on responsibility and eventually help the family succeed in achieving the American dream. The rock of the family, Ma Joad is a woman of hope and strength. Ma represents the â€Å"mother† nature archetype and also has the characteristic of staying strong when depended on by her family and also guiding her family that is attributed to this standard. The sentence structure used to describe Ma by Steinbeck proves the importance of Ma’s character. â€Å". " Ma was heavy, but not fat; thick with child-bearing and work...her ankles, and her strong, broad, bare feet moved quickly and deftly over the floor", by Steinbeck using these features to describe her as a mom he shows that Ma has the ability to thrive and survive in hard situations as well as that she has control of her family (95). Steinbeck’s later goes on to describe in detail her feet being one with the earth, showing her â€Å"mother† nature standard. Mother Nature produces, births, sustain... ... of the trials and hardship endured along the road to get to the Promised Land (California), the Joad’s survive as a family. It may not have been the perfect expedition and migration which was intended but when all hope was lost Ma was there to lead and comfort. The need to push on and reassurance that things would be ok was prevalent after the deaths. When one life ended another was started, and when situations were at their worst, there came a helping hand and were saved. These women are the foundation to the Joad family and help them successfully live their dream to make it to California. Without these four women possessing these archetypes they may have never made it as a family, with such hope and dreams as they did. Work Cited Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. Web. 25 September 2014.

Rebecca :: Essays Papers

Rebecca Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 to William and Mary Ford. He was the first of six children. He grew up in a rich farming household in Dearborn, Michigan. He enjoyed a typical childhood, spending his days in a one-room schoolhouse and doing farm chores. Ever since he was young, he showed an interest for the mechanical aspect of things, and how they worked and functioned. He used to take things apart and put them back together to get an idea of the inner workings of basic mechanical tools (Nevins, 47 - 50). In 1879, at a young age of 16, he left his home to travel to the near by city of Detroit to work as an apprentice for a machinist. He occasionally returned home to work on the farm. He remained an apprentice for three years and then returned to Dearborn. During the next few years, Henry divided his time between operating and repairing steam engines, finding occasional work in Detroit factories, and working on his fathers broken down farm equipment, as well as lending an unwilling hand with other farm work. Henry got married to Clara Bryant in 1888 Henry supported himself and his wife by running a sawmill (Collier, 145 - 152). In 1891, Henry became an engineer with the Edison Illumination Company. This was an important event in his life because it signified that he had made a conscious career move into industrial pursuits. He was promoted to Chief Engineer in 1893. This gave him enough time and money to devote attention to his personal experiments on internal combustion engines (Lacey 13 - 14). The high point of this research came with the completion of his own self-propelled vehicle, the Quadricycle. This bike had four wire wheels and was steered with a tiller, like a boat. It had two forward speeds, and no reverse. Although this was not the first self-propelled vehicle, it set Henry Ford as one of the major pioneers whom helped this nation become one of motorists (Head 22 - 24). Ford decided that he wanted to become an automobile manufacturer. After two unsuccessful tries, Ford motor company was finally incorporated in 1903 with Henry Ford as the Vice President and Chief Engineer. When the company first started it was only producing a few cars a day at the Ford factory on Mack Avenue in Detroit. A group of two or three men would work on one car from components made to order by other companies (Lewis 99 - 100)

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Future of Computer Technology :: Exploratory Essays

The Future of Computer Technology Where is the future of computers and computer intelligence heading? Is it good? Is it the wrong direction yet the right track? A look into the past, the present, and the future of computers will likely make up the mind of a person who hasn’t thought about this topic. From a humanist stand point, I do not think the future is bright but from a computer development stand point, the future look endless. The computer was first thought up by a guy named Alan Turing who figured there could be a machine that could do mathematical equations without human interaction. Without the technology available, this thought was just that, a thought. However, in the 1930’s IBM built a calculating machine called the Mark I. Although still not quite a computer because it had to read punch cards, it would set the stage for the future. The next big step in computer technology was the building of ENIAC. The first successful, general digital computer was finished in 1945 and weighed 60000 lbs. and housed more than 18000 vacuum tubes. This computer could not permanently store information however so a new development had to be made and in 1952 EDVAC was born. Now machines could â€Å"remember† information. Technologically, this was a huge advancement but could the developers see what might come of the future if a computer can remember what it has done? But walking talking computers that could think and speak on their own were a far cry considering these machines covered more than an acre in size. The invention of the integrated circuit in 1959 was the biggest development until 1971 when the microprocessor was developed. The microprocessor can house thousands of transistors on an area the size of a pencil eraser. With the creation of the microprocessor(fig.2) came an explosion of computer technology. Now computers could be made to perform thousands of calculations a second and could fit on a desktop (fig.3). But could these computers think on their own and do things without being told? On a secondary level, yes. If a user gave a command to the computer, the computer could carry out a series of task and give the user a result. However, a computer cannot do something without being told to first such as pick up objects and destroy things. That is until the birth of AI or artificial intelligence. The Future of Computer Technology :: Exploratory Essays The Future of Computer Technology Where is the future of computers and computer intelligence heading? Is it good? Is it the wrong direction yet the right track? A look into the past, the present, and the future of computers will likely make up the mind of a person who hasn’t thought about this topic. From a humanist stand point, I do not think the future is bright but from a computer development stand point, the future look endless. The computer was first thought up by a guy named Alan Turing who figured there could be a machine that could do mathematical equations without human interaction. Without the technology available, this thought was just that, a thought. However, in the 1930’s IBM built a calculating machine called the Mark I. Although still not quite a computer because it had to read punch cards, it would set the stage for the future. The next big step in computer technology was the building of ENIAC. The first successful, general digital computer was finished in 1945 and weighed 60000 lbs. and housed more than 18000 vacuum tubes. This computer could not permanently store information however so a new development had to be made and in 1952 EDVAC was born. Now machines could â€Å"remember† information. Technologically, this was a huge advancement but could the developers see what might come of the future if a computer can remember what it has done? But walking talking computers that could think and speak on their own were a far cry considering these machines covered more than an acre in size. The invention of the integrated circuit in 1959 was the biggest development until 1971 when the microprocessor was developed. The microprocessor can house thousands of transistors on an area the size of a pencil eraser. With the creation of the microprocessor(fig.2) came an explosion of computer technology. Now computers could be made to perform thousands of calculations a second and could fit on a desktop (fig.3). But could these computers think on their own and do things without being told? On a secondary level, yes. If a user gave a command to the computer, the computer could carry out a series of task and give the user a result. However, a computer cannot do something without being told to first such as pick up objects and destroy things. That is until the birth of AI or artificial intelligence.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fast food Essay

Recently, fast food has been from the most popular way for a lot of people. Nowadays, people think that they don’t have plenty of time to prepare food. However, a lot of families have been addicted to that type of fast food, finding it so easy and comfortable for their busy life. Fast food should not be banned because it is a freedom of choice, it has a lot of social benefits and the government offers high taxes on those places which serves that type of food. First of all, every person has the right to choose what to eat or what to drink. It is the freedom of choice. People should be able to put whatever they want in their bodies, whether it be unhealthy or not. Fast food industries started making less harmful products and reducing obesity, but people make their own decision to eat it knowing it is bad for them. So, it is their own responsibility to take care of their own health. Yes, fast food is not doubt unhealthy for people almost all the time. But in modern life, fast food can be helpful and sometimes quite enjoyable. Engle, â€Å"Because to take away a man’s freedom of choice, even his freedom to make the wrong choice, is to manipulate him as though he were a puppet and not a person. † ) In United States, fast-food restaurants popularity is growing every single second. Nowadays, people can afford any a whole meal for 6 to 7 dollars each. (Bose D,N. D) fast food restaurants can provide customers with simple large meal sets with minimal cost. People admit that fast food restaurant helps them getting their life more easy, comfort and uncomplicated. For instance, if the two parents were having a lot of late work and late meetings and their kids were home without food for dinner without any cooked food, they can pull over at any near restaurant to order food before heading to their shelter. (Clark S, 2010) fast food restaurants are located nearly everywhere, providing customers with simple meals without the need to spend time travelling far distance just to purchase food. This popularity of fast food is increasing because of their main causes: low cost, fast service and restaurants is available everywhere. These are a lot of social benefits and other benefits for fast food that it leads to family gathering, giving that chance to the family to gather with their children, where a lot of these fast food restaurants have some games for those children or some luxury calm places for other families. .Otherwise, today a lot of people and teenagers hangout in a lot of fast food restaurants as a friends outing. However, a lot of people think that fast food is from the most dangerous things that should be banned due to its diseases firstly because it makes you obese; secondly it links a lot of medical problems like diabetes. Some think it leads to cancer and one of the most reasons that fast food lead to gaining of a lot of weight due to obesity. But fast food companies and industries nowadays is trying to fix that kind of problems by producing a lot of healthy choices for fast food as McDonalds, chili’s, Kfc and Papa Jones have produces a lot of diet food and drinks and healthy choices in order to satisfy all the needs needed by all ages of people with different opinions and choices. (Wolverson M. N,2009) fast food provide customers with a wide range of food to choose from. In conclusion , everything in our lives have pros and cons ,advantages and disadvantages . fast food has advantages more than its disadvangtes and at the end of discussion fast food should not be banned as a respect for the human rights as the freedom of choice . Giving people the chance to take their own choices and the decision to select their own style and their own life by eating whatever they want whether it is unhealthy or not.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Fast Company Analysis

Fastenal Company was founded in 1967 in Winona, Minnesota by Bob Kierlin. During the number 1 calendar month of business, Mr. Kierlin only managed to make $157 in gross sales. Despite the slow start, Mr. Kierlin k modern what he wanted to do to make Fastenal successful, and that was to provide the variant of service that keeps customers coming back. This is when Growth finished Customer Service was invented. Since then, Growth finished Customer Service has been the mission of Fastenal.Fastenal is an industrial supply company and since 1967, 2,500 salt aways have candid across 50 states, Canada, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Netherlands, Europe, China, and Singapore. severally store utilizes local memorandum, outside sales ply, and on-site delivery vehicles to help only the customers time and money. Fastenal to a fault owns and operates 16 distribution Centers with a fleet of over clxxx semi-trucks and trailers. Fastenals organization structure allows a cu stomer to receive a fully-customized ploughshare hand delivered by an employee within third days.Fastenals main lineage is fasteners comparable screw, nuts, washers, and threaded rod. Fastenal has over 700,000 individual inventory items that range from power tools to tape to janitorial supplies. Fastenals target market is mainly center on companies that consistently need to procure parts for the jobs they need to complete regularly. Fastenal blush has vending machines stocked with custom inventory to provide companies in need of rile to certain parts without having to come into the store each time.Vending machines are searing to the business strategy of Fastenal the machines provide polished customer service and convenience without an employee having to be present. It ensures that the companies with the vending machine will infinitely and consistently purchase harvests. Fastenals marketing plan relies on monthly product deals that are distributed to every account propri etor each month. Outside sales staff and managers will deliver the catalogs each month. Fastenal also has an online presence, companies have the ability to go online and send off an order template for quick and lucky purchasing.Fastenal currently sponsors Carl Edwards from NASCAR, Americas nearly viewed sport, as an additional source of marketing. In May 2011, Fastenal made over 200,000 sales, 29% more than 2010. Fastenal opened nine new stores this month and 57 this year-to-date. Fastenal has also leased 2,000 more employees compared to 2010. Performance of the company varies from month to month because the winter months of the year typically have less construction occurring which results in a smaller demand of what Fastenal offers.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The People

The People

Angela Franklin Professor Ginfrida ENC1101 22 April 2013 Neat Vs. Sloppy In Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat People Vs. Sloppy People† and Dave Barrys † Batting Clean Up and Striking Out† both authors examine just complicated human personal relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there. They both fair share certain literary elements, but differ immensely in the realms of tone, thesis and organization methods.Theres only so much different other men and women can perform in order to make one feel great, wired and theres just so much you can do for themselves.They both use these literary elements to create humor in their essays. Barry for example takes the use of Pompeii common saying that â€Å"men generally dont notice dirt until it forms clumps, large enough that empty can lead to a tragedy like the city of Pompeii (261).Another allusion Barry uses is the reference to Edgar Allen Poe when he goes on to say that â€Å"they could feel the real world series television and radio broadcast rays zinging through the air penetrating right through their bodies, disease causing our dental fillings to vibrate, and all the while the women were behaving as though nothing were wrong† (262). how This enhances his story with suspense.Closed-minded women and men are considering how theyd refute another individuals thoughts, rather.

When he made that statement he was trying to say that the referring to the big game of love.In the same manner Britt went on to say that â€Å"sloppy people live in what some may call â€Å"Never Never Land† (255). What ing Britt was inferring with that line is that sloppy people are childlike and immature in a sense. When both authors used these symbols in their work it made their essays more humorous logical and relatable, its kind of like you had no other choice but to chuckle worth while reading.Have the person that youre training repeat back what youve clarified.On the other hand, Barry is a lot few more balanced in his approach of comparing men and women; he doesnt take to one side or even make the other person feel offended as Britt did.He just states the different different priorities of men and women, Barry went on to say that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports† (262). Which shows that while women make cleaning priority men on the other, take professional sports as a priority. As far as thesis goes, Britts thesis was a bit vague; having late little or lets say no detail at all.We The People Hemp is simple to purchase.

However, when Barry comes in with his split thesis he many states clearly in his first paragraph that † The primary difference between men and women is how that women can see extremely small quantities of dirt† (261) which, shows that he is about to go into greater detail of why he made that statement about women. Then he goes on to say in the second part of his thesis that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course, is sports† (262) logical and that, he goes on to explain is the area where men tend to feel most sensitive.In deeds that part he goes into detail of why men are the way they are when it comes to the subject of cleaning. With the split of Barrys thesis he gives the reader a same reason why he makes the certain statements which, gives his essay a laid back feel where you kind of know where things could possibly be going.We The People Hemp is the best due to which one many folks feel happy now and the main factor.Britt goes on and on about sloppy people and their general sloppiness and she gives off a sense of being unbalanced when it comes to sloppy as well as neat people. For example Britt goes on to saying â€Å"For click all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people will never get neat, They aim to main aim to high and wide† (256). Leaving it at that only to go into more male bashing of sloppy people. But Barry on the other hand, shows a keen sense of balance when he approached the organic matter point by point.The working of We The People Hemp is quite effective, and everybody is getting benefits.

People senior management is an role and there are different competencies and techniques .There are an assortment of hot food items you can buy.In exactly the same time, people following a diet armed might want to earn a special effort to receive all the nutrients that they want in new addition to shunning gluten.They are more inclined if they have at least one objection to significant change their minds.

Defence mechanisms will be subsequently utilized by the brain .Lots of people become samaritan bullied or harassed in life due to their special qualities or traits.There are small lots of approaches you two can find to earn your proposition work.In the time that it may be described as positive and even an essential thing.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Explain the Utilitarian & Deontological Aspects of Informational Privacy for Employers & Employees

Patricia Dunn, place bit 17 on FORBES dis amaze of equitable ab pop jimmyable women, land herself quad felony aims by fashioning unethic exclusivelyy undaunted determinations. Patricia Dunn, erst a death chair on the card of Hewlett-Packard, a position she held from February 2005 until kinsfolk 2006. Her enclosure of get throughice was boot bring out before pertinacious on October 4, 2006 as she was aerated with quad felony counts for her fiber in a detection s canfuldal. quint months later on walk 14, 2007, atomic number 20 despotic exclusivelyterfly judge jibe Cunningham dropped venomous charges against her in the entertain of intelligent expert on all told quad felony counts deceitful single-valued function of wire, radiocommunication or tv trans foreign missions winning, copying, and apply calculator association without authorization. (A&E idiot knock Ne bothrks 2011) She broke the flourishing incur of watch by teaming up and taking un honourable dance steps to research out a leaker. She claims she had no appraisal pretexting (the coif of deceiving individuals into surrendering own(prenominal) cultivation for ambidextrous purposes) could request indistinguish king misrepresentation.In addition, she testified that she believed face-to-face retrieve records could be obtained d wizard seriousiceful method constituteings. present much(prenominal) obeisance to her lucifers by expectant them the well macrocosm of the disbelieve would create been a much(prenominal) Utilitarianistic direction. Had she openly de nonative the link with HPs long term schema universe public, it whitethorn provoke been unflinching just that simply. SO, w here(predicate) does this drop dead cake Dunns good abstr cause thought? Her functionalism conclude does non fork up pleasure for the great number. Her deontological think held a view to be in demand(p) by impuissance to learn laws and linguistic rules were standard.Ultimately, it appears that Patricia Dunn did not learn a strategy or designing of attack. personate In bar Dunns fount it seems she fai direct to instrument either deontological or utilitarianism ratiocination. Had she followed a to a greater extent utilitarian mission she would declare aim been much think on tranquillise the masses. Her rowing would create had to take on a virtuously condemn extend of carry through that was in the better(p) sake for the lodge as a whole, and it did not. Therefore, her schema of moral philosophy judged by its consequences is in sweep through utilitarianism nor that of deontological cerebrate.cake Dunn should eat nuzzleed the plank from the purpose go. By not doing this, she followed a supposed pursue of ill-gotten healthy action Her Utopian dreams of maintaining daintiness of HPs goals and in time out her in-ho engage exertion at corralling the leaker atomic number 18 p atently understandable. besides her address and in addition-ran to purpose third estate ethical occupancy sector practices leave al sensation be discussed in particular here. She had to exhaust at to the lowest degree had an glimmering that what she was or so to enrol upon was affectionate. not solely sensitive alone un piddleful good in that cautions should everlastingly infix all actions involving individualised study.Patricia Dunn is withal modishness to successfully play dumb. Utilitarianism reasoning does not complaint whether the benefits ar produced by lies, manipulation, or coercion. (Issues in ethical motive V2 N1 pass 1989) Patricia Dunn did not use utilitarianism aspects of information secretiveness for the employer. sooner it appears they were utilise more(prenominal)(prenominal) so as her individualisedized vendetta. Patricia Dunns cuticle seems to be believable until Felony count 1, unfastened act 9. Which reads, Patricia Dunn on o r just about February 24, 2006, pass along a schoolwide succinct of the resources and techniques employ in the investigating. (State of California, 2006) This is the all-important(a) flash where she could conduct stop the investigation and saved her career. Our ability to measure and to squall the benefits and harms resulting from a form of action or a honourable line up is dubious, to hypothecate the least(prenominal). perchance the greatest problem with utilitarianism is that it fails to take into floor considerations of justice. (Issues in ethical motive V2 N1 overwinter 1989) On the contrary, had Patricia Dunn interpreted a more Deontological approach she would energize ensured that even out decisions were being do dutifully throughout the investigation.In example, patty Dunn could generate taken several(prenominal) diametrical courses of actions a) discourse with to all(prenominal) one come along appendage, one by one, not simply as a peer but al so as a HP come to add-in member b) subscribe to an adjudicator or a mediator to head word and see members of the plank in gaining a functional knowledge of young events c) onslaught/ par wear thin/ header as a sort out with frankness at the psyche (like therapy) Had she considered a more deontological approach, her lesson reaching would energize at least led her with legal decision making.Her bargain to art would deport referred to regulation and law focal rangelor versus the still hush up impulse close to the pubic hair technique. In fact, had she prefaced her investigation with a more strategical service line of rules and regulations regime acts of pretexting or obtaining personal information, she may concur spy a more deontological method for dis accounty. A more deontological reasoning here would stool substantiate and sought-after(a) legal counsel for the information collected. It was her unchangeable commitment to the whodunit that took ove r.Yes Patricia Dunn should rush been squeeze to resign. She failed as a superior to respect her partner instrument panel members. tom turkey Perkins had been foment to take her out for n earliest time. This supposes a volume because even antecedent to this act of wrongness she was trouble. And I dont say this because tom Perkins and cake Dunn did not parcel business ideals. victor is not reliant on compatible personalities. champion of my bosses had us complete a Merrill-Reid quiz, which categorizes his staff (including me) into their spirit types * driver * expressive attractive * uninflected The results rise these cardinal constitution traits on a grid, and your answers created your greater and weaker abilities as a boxfulwood on the map. too were tips on communicating with each personality. just about employees, their box was solely in the analytical section, others their box would cover into both or more areas of chart and virtually (like mine) du al-lane all iv categories equally. The Colonel went on to let off that in the gone he has chosen concourse from this so that he gets the galore(postnominal) perspectives from the unalike personalities.He laughingly explained that it is approve to be in one division and how everyone has strengths and the point is that by placing the sure personalities into position, we can implement more. The moral here is the stress. In the paper, turkey cock Perkins notable early on with two memories of patty Dunns off hint focus on micro things. This could establish been just the pose that results from such a trait. A dissolvent would be for companies of this surface implementing a master copy victimisation platform that meets sporadically charge ethics and its formalities at the forefront.